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...Australia into the new millennium... |

(Top) Italian migrants at a picnic in southern Sydney, in the early 1960s.
(Bottom) An Australian migrant family in the late 1990s. |
Statistics: |
Demography 1975-95 - Population statistics for 1975 to 1995, including net migration figures, from a BIMPR pamphlet Immigration in Brief 1995. - More ... |
History: |
Fifty Years of Post-War Migration - A fact sheet outlining a brief history of Australia’s post-war migration program, issued in 1995 on the 50th anniversary of the program. - More ... |
Reports: |
Immigrant Families: A Statistical Profile - The summary of findings of a 1994 report profiling the family situation of the overseas-born, including aspects like living arrangements and economic characteristics. - More ... |
Statistics: |
Settler arrivals by region of birth - Figures for arrivals to Australia between 1984/85 and 1994/95 according to region of birth, from a BIMPR pamphlet Immigration in Brief 1995. - More ... |
Statistics: |
Understanding the Economics of Immigration - An examination in 1995 of the economic effects of immigration, which concludes that on an economy-wide level, migration confers either slightly positive or neutral effects on the economy. - More ... |
Statistics: |
Settler arrivals by selected country of birth: Top 10 sources in 1994/5 - Figures for arrivals to Australia from the top ten source countries from 1984/85 to 1994/5, from a pamphlet put out by the BIMPR Immigration in Brief 1995. - More ... |
Statistics: |
Understanding Where Immigrants Live - An examination in 1995 of the geographical distribution of immigrants, the causes of their geographical concentrations, and the implications of this for the migrants and for all Australians generally. - More ... |
Statistics: |
Birthplace of the Australian Population, 1991 and 1996 - Population figures according to birthplace by region and country, derived from census figures from 1991 and 1996. - More ... |
Articles: |
Intermarriage in Australia - An article outlining the results of a 1996 report called Intermarriage - A Study of Migration and Integration in Australia, which looked into the motives, experiences, and implications of intermarriage. - More ... |
Articles: |
Immigrant families and change - This 1994 article looks at issues surrounding families and the migration process, including family sponsorship patterns, the family as the migrating unit, and changes in family structure resulting from migration. - More ... |
Speeches: |
A Call for Courageous Leadership - The edited version of a talk given in mid-1996, in which Professor James Jupp regrets the downgrading of multicultural programs, and emphasises the need for federal leadership on matters relating to ethnic affairs. - More ... |
Statistics: |
Australian Key Facts - 61% of Australians born in an overseas country are from a non-English speaking country says the 2001 census. See the comparitive statistics in the table. - More ... |
...Australia into the new millennium... |