A MULTICULTURAL history of Australia...
Hot words - Triggers for debate...
Lesson ideas and resources for teachers...
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A MULTICULTURAL research library...
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Key issues and landmark events in our diverse society...

A search for real meaning in emotional language...

Classroom materials designed by experienced educators...

Quizzes, research and discussion topics...

3000 pages of reports, articles, speeches, interviews...

Classroom resources: videos, audios, slides, interactives...

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...At the crossroads... |

At the crossroads. |
 Audio Interviews: |
At the crossroads... Social Justice - Professor Mary Kalantzis talks abouit our nation of diversity. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
At the crossroads... Productive Diversity - Irene Moss, talking about the multicultural country of Australia and what that means. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
At the crossroads... One Nation - Dr Robert Birrell gives his view on multiculturalism being a way of facilitating integration. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
At the crossroads... No difference - Professor Geoffrey Blainey, historian, speaks his view on multiculturalism, society etc. - More ... |
Documentary Excerpts: |
Demons at Drivetime (Excerpt) - Sydney radio presenter Ron Casey discussing that the English language should be spoken by all migrants. - More ... |
Documentary Excerpts: |
At the Crossroads... No difference - Demonstration outside the Third National Immigration and Population Conference, Adelaide, February 1995. - More ... |
Reports: |
Multicultural Australia: the way forward - A discussion paper issued in late 1997, calling for submissions towards a report to be prepared by the Council, to advise the government on a policy on cultural diversity for the next decade. - More ... |
Articles: |
Effects of Immigration on Australia: the Research Consensus as at May 1996 - This 1996 article discusses the key effects of immigration on Australia including aspects such as: economic, labour market, social, infrastructure, population growth and environment. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Australia’s Multicultural Democracy - The Inaugural Lecture on Multicultural Australia given in Jakarta in 1995 by the former NSW Premier, in which he discusses the landmarks in the development of multiculturalism and lists the crucial factors for its continuing success. - More ... |
Articles: |
Race And Debate - In this 1994 article, historian Geoffrey Blainey regrets the lack of debate on immigration, criticising those he believes limit such discussion, and questioning their perception of what constitutes racism. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Australia’s Rich Resource - Edited version of a 1996 address by the Minister for Finance in which he encourages moves towards “unlocking” the potential of Australia’s cultural and linguistic diversity, with all the benefits that brings. - More ... |
Miscellaneous Documents: |
National Multicultural Marketing Awards - The National Multicultural Marketing Awards highlight the recognition and success of multicultural marketing. The Awards recognise the efforts of businesses and organisations that seek to harness the benefits of Australia’s cultural diversity. - More ... |
...At the crossroads... |