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...FitzGerald Immigration Policy Review, 1988... |

"Australians All", OMA poster Designer: David Wong.
 Audio Interviews: |
FitzGerald Immigration Policy Review, 1988 - Professor Stephen FitzGerald talks about the Immigration Policy. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
FitzGerald Immigration Policy Review, 1988 - Dr Colin Rubenstein dicussing The Report on Australia's immigration policies. - More ... |
Documentary Excerpts: |
FitzGerald Immigration Policy Review - Tonight with Paul Murphy (Excerpt) - This documentary excerpt looks at the components of the Immigration Policy. - More ... |
TV Current Affairs: |
FitzGerald Immigration Policy Review - Tonight with Paul Murphy, Aug 8 (Excerpt) - Prime Minister Bob Hawke speaks on the Policy of Multiculturalism and recognises its diversity. - More ... |
Documentary Excerpts: |
Howard challenges Multiculturalism, World News Reports (Excerpt) - John Howard speaks at a joint Liberal and National Party, where the Draft Position Policy received its stamp of approval. - More ... |
Letters: |
Review of Australia’s Immigration Policies - Message from the Minister - A letter from the Minister for Immigration Mick Young, sent to community organisations in 1987, along with information on government immigration policy and on the FitzGerald inquiry to encourage them to participate in the consultations of the review. - More ... |
Publicity: |
Australia’s Immigration Future - The ad which appeared in newspapers in 1987, calling for public submissions to the Committee to Advise on Australia’s Immigration Policies. - More ... |
Miscellaneous Documents: |
Immigration - A Commitment to Australia: Terms of Reference - Terms of Reference set by the Government in 1987 for the Committee and brief bibliographical information on the committee members, headed by Dr. Stephen FitzGerald. - More ... |
Reports: |
Immigration - A Commitment to Australia: Recommendations - The 73 recommendations of the 1988 FitzGerald Report, covering changes to immigration policy and planning - they call on the government to reaffirm its commitment to non-discriminatory policies, and to base them on Australia’s national interest. - More ... |
Reports: |
Immigration - A Commitment to Australia: Executive Summary - The executive summary of this 1988 report, also known as the FitzGerald Report, after the committee’s chairman Dr. Stephen FitzGerald. It argues for increased migration, but with a tighter economic focus, and queries the public understanding and acceptance of the idea of multiculturalism. - More ... |
Speeches: |
Government Response to the Report of the CAAIP - Senate statement by Robert Ray, Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs in December 1988 outlining the Federal Government's response to the FitzGerald Inquiry recommendations. - More ... |
Publicity: |
Minister Ray Hails Start of New Era in Immigration - A news release from Immigration Minister Robert Ray in December 1989 promoting fundamental changes to Australia's immigration laws about to come into effect, and based on the recommendations of the FitzGerald Inquiry. - More ... |
...FitzGerald Immigration Policy Review, 1988... |