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Key issues and landmark events in our diverse society...

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...Access and Equity... |

Prime Minister Bob Hawke with images of cultural diversity, at the National Agenda for a Multicultural Australia launch, Sydney, 1989. |
 Audio Interviews: |
Access and Equity - Vasiliki Nihas talks about the changes in multiculturalism. - More ... |
 Audio Interviews: |
Access and Equity - Dr Andrew Theophanous speaks on the incorporation of social justice into multiculturalism. - More ... |
Reports: |
Access and Equity: Evaluation Summary - The 1992 report of an evaluation of the Access and Equity Strategy’s impact on all government departments and agencies, which concluded it had generally been successful, but which also found shortcomings in areas like language and dealings with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. - More ... |
Policies: |
Achieving Access and Equity - The overview chapter of a 1994 edition of a guide for the Australian Public Service for dealing with all Australians who use government services, which aims to ensure the Access and Equity Strategy continues to be implemented by all departments and agencies. - More ... |
Policies: |
Access and Equity Strategy Program Logic - A diagram from the 1994 edition of Achieving Access and Equity - a guide for the Australian Public Service, detailing the objectives of the strategy and how they can be attained. - More ... |
Miscellaneous Documents: |
Access and Equity Charter: The Charter principles - The Government's access and equity policies aim to ensure that government services meet the needs of Australian's irrespective of all linguistic and cultural backgrounds and help Australians of all backgrounds to have the opportunity to achieve their potential and participate fully in our society. - More ... |
Miscellaneous Documents: |
Delivering Services for Diversity: Good Practice in EAPS - Read some examples of good practice in EAPS - More ... |
...Access and Equity... |